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timohei.net / My Courses / Automation Systems / Exercise: Soot Blower /
I/O Connections - Inputs

All the push buttons used for controlling the soot blower are of the bouncing type.

I/O addresses are configured in MetsoDNA I/O Modules. For the inputs, use the same PIC (I/O Rack) and Card addressing as in the first exercise! For I/O channel addresses use the paragraph numbers below (1..7)!

  1. Local Control "START"
  2. Local Control "IN"
  3. Genelar Alarm Acknowledge "ACK"
  4. Steam Alarm Acknowledge "ACK"
  5. Limit Switch "IN"
  6. Limit Switch "OUT"
  7. Sensor "STEAM"
Updated 6.6.2023

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( 1) Exercise: Soot Blower
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(3) I/O Connections - Outputs
© Timo Heikkinen | timo piste heikkinen at oamk piste fi