Tietokoneiden näyttöjä, joissa näkyy kuvaa automaatiolaboratorion laitteistosta. Monitoreiden takana näkyy sama laitteisto kuin kuvissa.

timohei.net / My Courses / Project on Intelligent Device /
Project on Intelligent Device

Course Material

These e-books are free to read when accessed from inside the University's local network.

Things to Install

WiFi Settings

In the classroom, all the Raspberries have to be connected to wlan network with SSID timohei. Click on the network icon at the top right corner to see available wlan networks. Click on timohei; you will be asked for a password that I'll provide in the class. The network icon will blink for a while as the connection is being made. When connected, test the connection by opening any web page with a web browser.

Check you Raspberry's IP address by opening a terminal window and typing at the prompt:

ip addr
Updated 29.8.2016

© Timo Heikkinen | timo piste heikkinen at oamk piste fi