Tietokoneiden näyttöjä, joissa näkyy kuvaa automaatiolaboratorion laitteistosta. Monitoreiden takana näkyy sama laitteisto kuin kuvissa.

timohei.net / My Courses / Production Automation Project /
Production Automation Project

A small PLC project is carried out during the course. Project group makes a plan for a PLC controlled device or process. Then, it places an order for the PLC control application for that device or process to another group, which in turn places its own order to a third group, etc.

After assignment, the project starts with a kick-off meeting where the orderer hands out Requirement Specification to the deliverer. In the meeting, the two groups agree on the timetable for delivery, check points during the course, and the date and time for the next meeting.

Updated 3.9.2019

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